In the last 20 years Camilla Kring has given more than 800 speeches and workshops in Europe, China, Latin America and the Middle East. Below you will find a description of my current speeches. You are welcome to contact me at ck@supernavigators.com or by phone +45 28938973 for a non-binding offer.

Become a Super Navigator. Unlearn the cultures, norms and values of the past
Are you aware of the norms, stereotypes and beliefs that shape the way you navigate your life?
The Industrial Revolution was based on the BELL. It started with church bells. Then came factory bells and school bells. The bell rings. Go to work. Go to school. The bell rings. Go home.
A key component of the attractive workplace of the future is autonomy. Autonomy in one’s life to accommodate individual family arrangements, work styles, and circadian rhythms is critical to health, quality of life, and productivity.
Be inspired to navigate life in a new way:
– Gain more autonomy over your time by unlearning old time cultures.
– Live the life you love by making conscious choices (even in your personal life).
– Gain more energy and better health by reconnecting and living in sync with your biological rhythm.

Chronoleadership: How to create healthier and more productive rhythms in your work and life
80% of the population uses an alarm clock on working days to fit into the old rhythms of the past. The demands of rural life and the rhythmic assembly lines of industrial society have imprinted their rhythms on our minds over generations and centuries. Dolly Parton’s “Working 9-5” is the soundtrack to the work rhythm of industrial society.
Our bodies are automatically regulated by an internal, rhythmic, biological process that determines whether we perform best early or late in the day. But we live and work in a rigid, nine-to-five world that favours morning people and actually stigmatizes evening people.
Knowledge-based societies requires an inclusion of different circadian rhythms, and there is much to be gained for individuals, for companies, and for society if we let go of prejudices and create social acceptance and respect for our diversity in circadian rhythms. Chronoleadership is a new framework for creating attractive (and productive) workplaces for both morning persons and evening persons.

Life Navigation – tools to improve your Work-Life Balance
Life Navigation is a mindset and a progressive step out of the prevailing paradigm: “to be seen is to be working.” It emphasizes that the most highly productive individual employees will be those who are allowed to work when they are at peak energy and efficiency. It strives to manifest a work culture where flexibility, productivity, and individual life quality are integrated, and in which differences in work time and space are socially accepted.
Life Navigation is four practical tools about time, goals, energy and spaces – each of which can provide a significant boost to your productivity and life quality.

Gen Z wants freedom and flexibility
Generation Z wants the flexibility to choose where and when they work (Deloitte Global 2023 Gen Z and Millennial Survey). Autonomy in their own lives to accommodate individual family forms, work styles and circadian rhythms is critical for both health and productivity.
Despite the fact that more and more organisations are starting to offer flexibility, employees may not be taking advantage of this time flexibility. It’s not the structure of the company but its culture that determines whether employees are willing to use flexibility.