
I am the author of five books on life navigation and chronobiology. In addition to the book Livs Navigatøren (Børsens Forlag, 2006), Supernavigatør (Gyldendal Business, 2011), Life Navigation (2011, 2017, 2021), Jeg er B-menneske – Kampskrift for et samfund, der understøtter alle døgnrytmer (Gyldendal, 2015) and Find din døgnrytme (Grønningen1, 2021) I have contributed with articles and chapters in Danish and international books and magazines. Below you can read more about each book, read interviews and reviews of the books.

Find your circadian rhythm (Grønningen1, 2021)

You are born with a circadian rhythm. It’s not something you choose. You are genetically predisposed to be morning fresh or evening fresh. The more you live in step with your circadian rhythm, the better your health is, and you get more energy, quality of life, and a more productive everyday life. In “Find your circadian rhythm”, Camilla Kring talks about the fascinating genetic variations that affect how you structure and develop both your work life and your private life. Gain a new understanding of how you are pieced together, and how finding and following your rhythm can change your life. The cockroaches of the agricultural society and the rhythmic assembly lines of the industrial society have for generations imprinted their rhythms in our way of life. They dictate a lifestyle where “one size fits all”. The problem is that it does not fit into the diversity of circadian rhythms, work rhythms, and family rhythms that exist in today’s society. The current mindset is therefore “one size fits one”.

Read an interview about the book here.

I am a late chronotype - Fighting script for a society that supports all circadian rhythms (Gyldendal Business, 2015).

Are you also looking for a social setting where school, opening and working hours are adapted to B-people’s circadian rhythm? Do you dream of breaking with the 8-16 community so we can let kids sleep until they wake up? Would your working life also be better and more efficient if you could choose your working hours yourself? We need a showdown with the 8-16 society and its lack of respect for the B-people’s circadian rhythm. Quality of life, health, and productivity improve measurably when we offer people the working hours that match their biological rhythm. Read an interview about the book here.

Read the review of the book in Politiken (5 hearts) here

Life Navigation - tools to improve your Work-Life Balance (Super Navigators, 2011, 2017, 2021)

Life Navigation is four tools for creating an individual work and life design. First tool is overview. Another tool is focus. Third tool is rhythm and the fourth tool is calm. You can download the book for free here.

Supernavigator (Gyldendal Business, 2011)

This book offers a new way of looking at the world. Camilla Kring calls it “supernavigation”: the ability to navigate in a flexible world that is constantly changing. Kring takes on the new working life, which requires that we work at self-chosen times. It is about both working with the community and alone. The book describes how to create a flexible work culture, one with room for individual choices in relation to working hours and workplaces. The book applies the same principles to society. How do we create a more flexible society that supports different family forms, work forms, and circadian rhythms? The societal framework only supports people working 8-16. The book agitates for flexible kindergartens, schools and workplaces that support people’s different work and life rhythms, and provides concrete and useful advice to both managers and employees on how to take control of their own lives, and work in the way that best suits them. One’s own rhythm.

The Life Navigator (Børsens forlag, 2006)

The author takes the temperature of the Danes’ lives, examines who controls it, and does away with the industrial efficiency discourse. With the transition from industrial to knowledge society, the work goes from visible production to invisible thought work. Thus, it becomes people’s different rhythms and tempos that give results on the bottom line.

Read an interview about the book here.

Read the review of the book here.